Articles by category: causal

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One neat takeaway from the previous post was really around the structure of what we were doing.What did it take for the infinite DAG we were building to become a valid probability distribution?We can throw some things out there that were necessary for its construction. The infinite graph needed to be a DAG We needed inductive “construction rules” $\alpha,\beta$ where we could derive conditional kernels from a finite subset of infinite parents to a larger subset of the infinite parents. The... Read More

This is Problem 9.11 in Elements of Causal Inference._Construct a single Bayesian network on binary $X,Y$ and variables $\{Z_j\}_{j=1}^\infty$ where the difference in conditional expectation,\[\begin{align}\Delta_j(\vz_{\le j}) &=\\& \CE{Y}{X=1, Z_{\le j}=\vz_{\le j}}-\\& \CE{Y}{X=0, Z_{\le j}=\vz_{\le j}}\,\,,\end{align}\]satisfies $\DeclareMathOperator\sgn{sgn}\sgn \Delta_j=(-1)^{j}$ and $\abs{\Delta_j}\ge \epsilon_j$ for some fixed $\epsilon_j>0$. $\Delta_0$ is unconstrained... Read More

In most data analysis, especially in business contexts, we’re looking for answers about how we can do better. This implies that we’re looking for a change in our actions that will improve some measure of performance.There’s an abundance of passively collected data from analytics. Why not point fancy algorithms at that?In this post, I’ll introduce a counterexample showing why we shouldn’t be able to extract such information easily.Simpson’s ParadoxThis has been explained many times, so I’ll be... Read More